
The SHIELD4CROWD project is a Coordination and Support Action involving a collection of security end users’ needs, knowledge exchange between stakeholders, implementation of desk research and analysis, and conduction of educational initiatives to support the preparatory activities for a PCP. The main objective of SHIELD4CROWD is to urge innovations beyond the state of the art, by working towards a more effective and efficient operational security of public spaces and soft targets in EU cities.

SHIELD4CROWD focuses on enhancing the protection of public spaces in EU cities against security threats related to crowd management. This focus is shared, from the start, by several actors and specifically by security practitioners.

Corvers plays a central role in Shield4Crowd’s success by leading Work Package 5 (WP5), which focuses on preparing for pre-commercial procurement. Within this package, Corvers is responsible for analyzing procurement challenges, facilitating market dialogue, defining optimal procurement strategies, and preparing essential tendering documents required for upcoming procurement activities.

For more information about Shield4Crowd and its initiatives, please visit the project website:





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