Innovation Procurement

In cases where no solutions exist yet on the market, innovation procurement enables public purchasers to get technologically innovative solutions developed according to their specific needs, achieving best value for money as well as wider economic, environmental and societal benefits by generating new ideas, translated  into innovative products and services, and thus promoting sustainable growth.

Innovation procurement entails innovative approaches in both practices and procedures. It includes, inter alia, the conduct of market consultations, the inclusion of social and environmental considerations in the tender specifications, the use of life-cycle costing approach, the acceptance of variants or the use of MEAT-award criteria.

The Corvers team is highly experienced in assisting contracting authorities with the implementation of innovation procurement strategies. Our advice covers the full range of legal services required throughout all the stages of the project cycle (before, during and after procurement), including the structuring of the procurement strategy,  the conduct of market consultations, the design of the tender specifications and the drafting of the procurement contract, and the project execution and implementation. The Corvers methodology is based upon the following approach:

We are often part of the strategic boards, tender boards, as well as of the project monitoring boards. Based on our extensive expertise gained in projects for the policy makers in Brussels, we also assist clients with the drafting and implementation of innovative procurement policies, tailored to their specific needs and fully in line with applicable legal frameworks and related European policy documents.

For more information, please visit: 

Pre-Commercial Procurement | Shaping Europe’s digital future (

Public Procurement of Innovative solutions | Shaping Europe’s digital future ( 

Innovation procurement | European Commission (

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