Prevent PCP website live, register now for the OMC

PREVENT PCP is a project funded by the European Commisson. It focuses on augmenting the security in public transport and public areas in the vicinity through innovative procurement of technology solutions that will allow timely automatic detection of potentially dangerous unattended items, identification and tracking of perpetrators, and advanced crisis management system.

The Open Market Consultations (OMC)

The Open Market Consultations will be organised in order to validate the findings of the preparatory phase, regarding state-of-the-art viability of the set of technical and financial provisions. The scope of the OMC is to raise awareness to the industry regarding the upcoming tender to be launched and to collect insights on industry skills which can be used to fine tune the tender specifications.


More specifically, the Buyers Group through the OMC aims to:

  • Find out technologies that are commercially available and acquire information about the advantages and disadvantages and the level of coverage of the desired functionalities;
  • Validate the identified needs and solution design with the supply side;
  • Explain to the industry clearly how IPR issues will be treated;
  • Build trust between buyers and potential providers by explaining the procurement needs, the envisaged contracting setup and valuating at the same time their feedback in order to fine-tune the tender specifications that will drive to prototypes and pre-operational solutions;
  • Enable and increase the opportunities for industry to formulate consortia;
  • Identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance.

The Open Market Consultation will be mainly conducted in the form of open and oral consultations and will take place through:

  • A central event will be held on January 19th and 20th 2022 in Marseille (participants may follow the event either on site or online);
  • A series of webinars which will allow the PREVENT PCP partners to reach the most relevant segments of the market in different EU languages;
  • A written contribution in the form of a Request For Information questionnaire;
  • A Q&As document.

Register for the OMC here.

For more information on PREVENT PCP click here.

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